Maundy Thursday night (April 9) through Good Friday morning (April 10) “Could you not keep awake one hour?” --Mark 14:37
This year, we would like to maintain the tradition of an Overnight Vigil, but do so remotely. Parishioners keeping vigil can do so from their own homes--no need to Zoom or video-call. The Vigil is meant to recall the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed in the hours before he was betrayed, tried and crucified.
The primary purpose of the Vigil is setting aside time for quiet reflection and prayer centered on the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. While keeping Vigil, some people simply sit quietly, others read or knit. You might choose to focus on a candle, cross, home altar, or other symbolic representation of faith. With the exception of maintaining quiet to the extent possible, there is no right or wrong way to keep Vigil.
If you would like to sign up for hour slots in which to keep Vigil, you may do so here. You can sign up for multiple slots if you want, as well as signing up for the same time slot as someone else, however, remember that the goal is to have the entire night covered.
God bless and keep you as you keep watch with Christ.