
9:00 am Adult Formation Class on St. Thomas à Becket, Sunday mornings

10:30 am Children’s Sunday School, Sunday mornings

The Episcopal Church defines formation as “lifelong growth in the knowledge, service, and love of God as followers of Christ . . . informed by scripture, tradition, and reason.” 

“Christian formation is a lifelong process, occurring in community, that shapes you into the person God created you to be.” — The Reverend Dr. Pamela Dolan

The Birth Narratives of Jesus

On Sunday, November 17th, we launch a new study at 9:00 am on "The Birth Narratives of Jesus," a good way to prepare for our Advent anticipation of Christmas. We often conflate the two stories of how Jesus came into the world, which are contained in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, the only places in the New Testament that mention his birth. They are distinct accounts that differ and sometimes disagree with each other in important ways. Each author attuned the tale to meet their own particular theological project. Parsing the details and the contours of each story gives us greater understanding and appreciation for how Jesus emerged as Emmanuel, God with us.