Welcome to St. Thomas à Becket Episcopal Church where we celebrate the glory of God in Jesus Christ through worship, service, and fellowship. We believe God calls us to grow by expanding our spiritual life, focusing on our outreach, and increasing our ministry to one another.



Deeply rooted in tradition stretching back thousands of years, our rituals have inherent meaning and power beyond their surface. Join the millions of saints throughout history in this ageless pattern, and find yourself part of an ancient yet always-relevant pattern of being.

We are rooted in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures on which our sermons reflect and seek to apply to life today in conversation with two millennia of mystics, theologians, and disciples.

We offer both Rite I and Rite II services out of the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer which unites us with our Anglican Communion partners from the Church of England to Africa, Asia, and all over the world, as well as ecumenical partners in liturgical renewal from the Roman Catholics, to Lutherans, to Presbyterians.



Music is a central part of our worship and our spiritual practice. From our dedicated choir members, to our celebrated organist, to the composers in our midst who have created new settings for our ancient words, we love singing and listening to great music.



Parish worship offers the unique setting for seeking transcendence amidst a loving community. As we join together in liturgy, we find ourselves amplified by the generations past and present, and the communion of saints throughout the entire world, singing and praying as one.

We also love eating and talking together after the services! Come for our regular coffee hours after the 10:30 service for always-delightful snacks and chat, but don’t miss our frequent all-out lunches and special celebrations for more delicious food and fellowship. All are always welcome!
