Advent 2020

Advent Toolkit for Kids

Many thanks to Catherine Saxe, our Diocesan Director for Children's Ministries, for providing the activities and book list below for Advent. Catherine is a wonderful resource for ideas and lesson plans any time of the year.

Looking for our Advent Adult Formation Series? Click above.

Advent Ideas for Home

 Advent Books

The Ten Marys and the Angel Gabriel by Aurora Magni

The Angel Gabriel is sent by God to announce to Mary huge news: she will be the mother of God! Only one set back, he doesn’t know which of the ten Marys in Nazareth is the right one.

The Way to the Manger by Jeff Land and Abbey Land

A Family Advent Devotional

The Advent Storybook: 25 Bible Stories Showing Why Jesus Came by Laura Richie

Nativity Books

The Donkey’s Dream by Barbara Helen Berger

The Advent of Christmas by Matt Mahar

Who is Coming to Our House by Joseph Slate

Other Fun Ideas

Visit and look for resources link. Scroll to find seasons link and open. Look for Advent and Christmas section.

Faith-based Activities

  • Make and decorate a birthday cake for Jesus.

  • Spend time on your bellies playing with the family nativity scene and acting out the story.

  • Cut your lunch sandwiches into the shape of stars and talk about the original Christmas star.

  • Write a letter to God about all the good things you’ve experienced throughout the year.

  • Make a manger with twigs you collect from outside and talk about Baby Jesus and the type of place he was born into.

  • Make paper crowns and talk about the wise men and the gifts they brought Jesus.

Serving Others

  • Take a few small gifts to a shelter for women and children.

  • Write a letter to a family friend or someone serving in an overseas charity.

  • Buy a small gift for a child in the long-term care wing of the children’s hospital and add a bouquet of flowers for his/her parent(s).

  • Clean out your toy boxes and donate good quality items to an opportunity store.

  • Raid the pantry for canned goods to donate to a charity.

  • Wear Santa hats and take some doggie treats to your local shelter.

  • Wear Santa hats and take a garbage bag to clean up garbage from your neighborhood.

Kitchen and Home

  • Make Christmas cookies: gingerbread, snickerdoodle, or sugar cookies!

  • Serve a red and green themed meal.

  • Make homemade caramel corn.

  • Make chocolate-dipped pretzels with red and green sprinkles.

  • Eat “reindeer droppings” for breakfast (donut holes!).

  • Make edible Christmas trees out of upside-down ice cream cones, green frosting, and sprinkles.

  • Decorate a gingerbread (or graham cracker) house.

  • Host a virtual cookie decorating party by sending out invitations with a small gift card for the supplies and set it up on Zoom.

  • Melt chocolate into Christmas molds.

  • String a popcorn garland for the tree.

  • Make origami ornaments for the tree.

  • Decorate a wreath together.

  • Make a paper garland to hang on the tree, over a door, or in the kids bedroom.